Mission 1016 - Hervey bay to Gold coast and return


On Thursday the 8th of June 2006 I flew Mission 1016, making it my 34th and 35th Angel Flights.

The mission descriptions from Angel Flight was:

SUBSEQUENT TRIP REQUEST: (5th and 6th Angel Flight)

This lady from Hervey Bay has recently had a right hip removal and replacement with a prosthesis.

She has a June 8 follow up appointment at the John Flynn Hospital at Tugun on the Gold Coast.

The lady in question was Beverly, whom I had had the pleasure of conveying from the Gold Coast to Hervey Bay after her operation a mere month before on Mission 897.

Leg 1 - Archerfield to Hervey Bay

It was another beautiful day in Brisbane as I got going and flew up to Hervey Bay. Nary a cloud initially, and only a few clouds in the vicinity of Hervey Bay.

I arrived in Hervey Bay at 12:15pm and found Beverly and her daughter Chris already waiting for me.

It was good to see that since I last dropped her off about a month earlier, she had discarded her walking frame and had instead armed herself with two walking sticks.

Peter Driver's step ladder again came in handy as I helped her up the wing and eased her into the passenger seat.

Leg 2 - Hervey Bay to Gold Coast

We were airborne right on time at 12:30 and tracked south toward Maroochydore. Because of the official one-way system on the airways I had had to plan a detour to the west of Brisbane before heading east again toward the Gold Coast. However, upon receiving my request to maybe give us a more direct routing, air traffic control was most obliging and gave us a direct to Brisbane and then Gold Coast, shaving some 8 minutes off the flight time.

Angel Flight pilots are not supposed to accepts any gifts, payment or gratuities from their passengers. While I normally abide by this rule, there are times when they have to be broken, especially when they appeal to my penchant for jelly snakes. Beverly, herself very partial to these reptiles, produced a big bag and we were soon competing to see who could eat the most! With in-flight provisions like these, Beverly is welcome anytime.

With the duty runway at Gold Coast being 14 and our heading 150, we were cleared for a straight in approach and landed about 10 minutes early. Shutting down in the short term parking bay we could already see Earth Angel Barry Weston and his wife waiting for us.

They soon had Beverly ensconced in their limousine, and took her off to the doctor.

I organised some fuel for both the aircraft (129l of AvGas) and myself (hamburger and a can of coke) at the Bistro right next to the gate and then went for a wander to spend more of my sons' education money on trifles such as VNCs (Visual Navigation Chart) at a local pilot supply shop.

Leg 3 - Gold Coast to Hervey Bay

I had called the security personnel to re-admit me to the airfield and was waiting for them, when Barry showed up with Beverly.

So after a few more minutes of waiting we soon put Beverly back on board, made sure that we had a good supply of jelly snakes remaining and fired up the engine for our trip back up north.

Again the weather was beautiful and the only bump encountered was my landing at Hervey Bay at 4:30pm.

Having forgotten to ring her daughter from the Gold Coast, Beverly had to rustle her up after our arrival. When she was assured of a lift I left her sitting on the verandah of the aero club and climbed back aboard FWL.

Leg 4 - Hervey Bay to Archerfield

Another uneventful flight back home had me land at Archerfield in the dark at 5:50pm.

As I headed home to my next-of-kin I was pleased to realise that I had taken Beverly to the doctor and back home in one hour less than it would have taken her just to drive to the doctor, never mind the hour spend at the appointment and the return journey.


I was back on the ground in Archerfield after having