Mission 1547 - Archerfield to Goondiwindi


On Wednesday the 27th of December 2006 I flew Mission 1547, making it my 53rd Angel Flight.

The mission description from Angel Flight was:


An eight year old girl from Boggabilla has a total bone infection in her femur and requires orthopaedic treatment at the Royal Childrens Hospital in Brisbane.

Her mother is a sole parent with three other children and the continual transport to and from Boggabilla is straining the family financially as she has no access to a private vehicle to attend these consultations.

Archerfield to Goondiwindi

When I arrived at Archerfield about half an hour before the scheduled departure time I found Earth Angel Sylvia Stares had already dropped arrived with Jada and her mum Claudine. So I asked them to sit tight, and collected them some 15 minutes later, after I had woken up the aeroplane.

A trough had settled over most of south east Queensland, so the weather, while overcast, was relatively stable.

Jada and Claudine promptly fell asleep after take off and only woke up when we hit the centre of the trough, which did contain a little turbulence. I heard screaming from the back seat and was fearing the worst, when, on turning around I saw that Jada was screaming in joy - I was providing her with a most welcome roller coaster ride.

By the time we reached Goondiwindi, most of the overcast was done. We arrived 20 minutes early and, having called their lift, Claudine and Jada headed off to the car park.

Goondiwindi to Archerfield

I enjoyed the marvelous facilities at the terminal building/club house at Goondiwindi, before re-mounting my steed for the return flight to Archerfield. Again it was largely smooth, except for a short interval, in exactly the same spot as on the outbound flight.


I was back on the ground in Archerfield after having