Mission 2153 - Archerfield to Chinchilla


On Tuesday the 11th of September 2007 I flew Mission 2153, making it my 71st Angel Flight.

The mission descriptions from Angel Flight was:


sixteen year old girl from Chinchilla who had a failed kidney transplant and is now back on home dialysis. However she still needs to receive medical treatment at the PA Hospital?s Dialysis Unit (Brisbane) three times per week.

Angel Flight will assist the family and fly this young girl and grandmother twice per week while she makes the lengthy trip via road with her mother once per week.

Kayla is a regular with Angel Flight and has had to suffer my flying skills (or, more precisely, the lack thereof) on numerous previous occasions:

Leg 1: Archerfield to Chinchilla

The Directional Gyro (DG), which acts as a stabilised compass had started playing up on a previous flight. So it was in the shop being overhauled. As is common in these circumstances, my repair shop provided a 'loaner' unit so that I could still fly the aircraft. However, unlike my normal DG, the loaner was not wired into the autopilot. Thus, on this flight I had to actually hand-fly the aircraft.

We had a little bit of cumulus build-up along the way, which I tried to avoid, as the convective turbulence can be unsettling, both to the occupants of the aircraft and the airframe itself. So naturally I requested a descent below the cloud layer, much to Kayla's chagrin, who seems to take an unnatural delight in being tossed about.

As we continued Pam was busy solving her usual Sudoku puzzles in the back and Kayla was making another entry in her log book, documenting, no doubt, another inept performance by yours truly.

Leg 2: Chinchilla to Archerfield

With Kayla and Pam being old pros, leaving the aircraft in a relieved hurry without my assistance, I could start up the engine a few seconds after our farewells.

The flight back was without any dramas and before I knew it, Archerfield was dead ahead and another Angel Flight had come to its conclusion.


I was back on the ground in Archerfield after having