The mission descriptions from Angel Flight was:
SUBSEQUENT TRIP REQUEST:A nine year old girl from Blaxlands Creek (near Grafton) has kidney failure and is on home automated peritoneal dialysis.
Due to the stress of the dialysis her cardiac condition is worsening and she now requires haemodialysis three times a week at the Royal Childrens Hospital in Brisbane
Once at altitude and across the border, the visibility decreased at time to less than 3 miles in heavy smoke haze. Descending into the gray I eventually found the runway despite my best navigational efforts and affected a straight in approach on runway 18 (only requiring a 3° turn off the inbound track).
Both girls, maybe having heard about my tendency to drone on, declined the use of head-sets, preferring to listen to the drone of the engine instead.
With everything running smoothly, we arrived at Archerfield about half an hour early. So, understandably, there was no sign of Earth Angel Joy Bryson. But a quick phone call established that she was en-route.
Thus I left the girls in the terminal building while I busied myself tending to the aeroplane, getting some 125l of AvGas pumped aboard, ready for the afternoon flight back home.
It was hot and sticky (33°C), when we climbed back aboard. Having given a briefing just a few hours earlier, I could dispense with that formality and we were soon en-route down south again. The conditions, if anything, had worsened with respect to visibility, but nonetheless, I did somehow manage to find Grafton again and deposit the girl at the terminal building about an hour after take-off.
I touched down roughly an hour later, sweating profusely, but still happy to have made a difference today.